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Keel Laying Ceremony of 1000T Emergency Rescue Salvage Float     DATE: 2016-12-25 06:55:31    The author:本站

1000T emergency rescue and salvage floating crane built by Haixin shipyard held Keel laying ceremony on November 20th, 2014.
This ship is designed for the emergency rescue and salvage crane work of Three Gorges Reservoir Area.it is the first ship of Changjiang Waterway Bureau, of which the task is mainly for the salvage of shipwrecks in Three Gorges Reservoir Area as well as the Middle reaches of the Yangtze River if necessary.
The floating crane is a self-propelled ship, which is equipped with Dynamic positioning system and anchor moored positioning system. The total construction value of the floating crane reaches 400 million RMB.
Keel Laying Ceremony of 1000T Emergency Rescue Salvage Floating Crane
PREVIOUS:Delivery of the Yangtze River Estuary Tug

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